What are sock blockers and how useful are they?
Sock blockers are great for shaping a pair of socks that you have knit as a gift for someone. Or if you need your newly finished socks well shaped for photographing. But I honestly can’t say that I block the socks I wear and wash on a daily basis.
These sock blockers made by Whorl Drop Spindle are an excellent choice.
They arrived incredibly quickly and I was able to use them right away as I had just finished hand washing my socks.
When hand washing wool socks, I have used shampoo or dish washing liquid. It is easy to rinse out. In the main if you want your wool socks to last hand washing is the only way to go.
Sock Blocking Boards by Whorl Drop Spindle
Through lack of time though, I often put my hand knit socks into a net bag and wash them on the cool wool wash in the washing machine. However, this has been very detrimental to the 100% wool hand dyed socks which have felted. Unfortunately, after a while it is hard to remember which socks were knit using hand dyed sock yarn using 100% wool and which were made using sock yarn with 80% wool and 20% nylon.
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