I’ve been reading Julie Williams excellent blog Little Cotton Rabbits for several years. When I read that she was writing a knitting pattern for her bunny girl and bunny boy I couldn’t wait to buy them. I had long hoped to be able to buy one of her delightful knitted animals. I particularly love her badger girl and I am keeping my fingers crossed for the badger girl to become a pattern some day!
Her most recent post Miaow shows the amount of effort she puts into designing and writing her girl and boy cat patterns. You’ve just got to read the post and look at all those cute cat faces! Of course, I’ve added the cat girl and the fox girl to my pattern collection… oh goodness, did I remember to mention her seasonal dresses pattern and her mouse girl? Yep… couldn’t resist those either.
I loved knitting the bunny girl. The pattern is amazingly detailed and helpful – clearly explaining every step for knitting the bunny. This was particularly helpful with shaping the head and giving my bunny her personality.
She has such cute shapely ears. Julie also explains how best to stuff the bunny – I think I may have overstuffed her arms a little. But not enough that I will try to take them off. I think that would ruin her. I want you all to Meet Esmerelda my Bunny Girl.
I used Artesano Alpaca DK SFN41 Bon Bon for knitting the bunny girl’s head, ears, body and arms. The alpaca yarn has a wonderfully fluffy texture that gives the bunny the look and feel of being furry.
I used Artesano Alpaca DK SFN10 Cream to knit the bunny girl’s fluffy tail. The tail is a very cute addition!
I chose three 4ply Diploma Gold yarns in dark purple, lavender and ivory from my yarn stash for knitting her tights and shoes. Any 4ply or leftover sock yarn would be perfect. I didn’t need very much yarn. I’ve also used these along with a ball of Crystal Palace Sausalito and Mini Mochi sock yarn for knitting her dresses.
Yes… her dresses… knitting a dress for Esmerelda became a little addictive. First I knit her a pretty dress using the Sausalito. This was followed by the Seashore dress from the Seasonal Dresses pattern… then I knit her a striped dress… and finally the cat girl’s lovely plaid dress. I think Esmerelda looks particularly cute wearing her Sausalito dress.
I’ve really enjoyed knitting this cute bunny and her lovely wardrobe of clothes. If you haven’t read Little Cotton Rabbits you are in for a wonderful treat!
I love Julie’s designs too and have all of her patterns!
Julie’s designs are wonderful as is her amazing website Little Cotton Rabbits. I don’t have all her patterns but the ones I do were a dream to knit. I really hope she does a badger!