Are you having a problem with your wooden needles snagging on every stitch that you knit?
This problem had developed with a few of my birch wood needles. They not only snagged the yarn and prevented the rhythm of my knitting but also gave me a blister on my finger.
This issue seems to affect my wooden double pointed needles rather than my bamboo ones.
I needed to solve the problem or else it would mean replacement needles.
I bought a fine emery board in the Chemist and a block of beeswax (used for waxing quilting thread). I ran my finger along the point of the wooden needle to find exactly where it was split and snagging the yarn. Then used the emery board to smooth the blemish away. Sand with the wood grain, taking care not to cause the point to become too sharp or one sided in the process. Then I rubbed the sanded point of the needle on the wax and buffed it up using a spare buffing cloth for my reading glasses.
This method has been very successful and I don’t notice which needles have been fixed when I am knitting with them.
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